var $somevar;
In PHP, this is only neccessary when building a class, the var keyword when used inside of a class creates special class-scope static variables.
$myvar = "some value";
Automatically created as a String.
$myvar = 2;
Automatically created as an integer.
$myvar = (string) "Some text";
Typecast as a string explicitly (typecasting is optional in PHP for 99% of variable usages).
$myvar = (int) 45;
Typecast an integer.
When you compare values as in...
if($myvar == "some value")
If myvar does not exist PHP will temporarily create a copy of it in memory with null value for comparision purposes, if error_reporting is set to E_ALL PHP will issue a Notice level error complaining that the variable did not exist. A better method is to use isset() or empty()
if (isset($myvar) && $myvar == "some_value)
This alleviates that Notice level error.
Always best to read the manual... at
Pay special attention to section II, which contains basic syntax, control structures, predefined variables... and general language concepts implemented in PHP.
: )
Naming Rules
Given below key naming conventions of PHP variable :- A variable must have $ sign before its actual name. Example, $first_name.
- A variable in PHP must start with a letter or underscore "_".
- A variable in PHP can have only numeric(0-9), letter(a-z, A-Z) or underscore"_".
- PHP variables are case sensitive. The variables $c_number and $C_number are different variables in PHP.
- The variable name must not have white spaces between them. You can use underscore "_" to fill them. For example, it shouldn't like this-$first name, it should be-$first_name.
A PHP variable doesn't need to be declare before before adding a value to it. PHP automatically converts the variable to the correct data type, depending on its value.
In the given below example, you will see that there is no need of mentioning data type before passing value to it.
code in login form
Dim orow As DataRow
For Each orow In Me.ProfileDataSet1.USER
If (orow.Item("username") = Me.TextBox1.Text) Then
If (orow.Item("password") = Me.TextBox2.Text) Then
MsgBox("you may now to proceed")
End If
End If
End Sub
form code
Public Class Form1
Private Sub enabledcontrol()
Me.LASTNAMETextBox.Enabled = True
Me.FIRSTNAMETextBox.Enabled = True
Me.MITextBox.Enabled = True
Me.AGETextBox.Enabled = True
Me.COURSETextBox.Enabled = True
Me.SECTIONTextBox.Enabled = True
Me.ADDRESSTextBox.Enabled = True
Me.EMAILADDTextBox.Enabled = True
Me.NATIONALITYTextBox.Enabled = True
Me.BIRTHPLACETextBox.Enabled = True
Me.BIRTHDATEDateTimePicker.Enabled = True
Me.GUARDIANTextBox.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub disabledcontrol()
Me.LASTNAMETextBox.Enabled = False
Me.FIRSTNAMETextBox.Enabled = False
Me.MITextBox.Enabled = False
Me.AGETextBox.Enabled = False
Me.COURSETextBox.Enabled = False
Me.SECTIONTextBox.Enabled = False
Me.ADDRESSTextBox.Enabled = False
Me.EMAILADDTextBox.Enabled = False
Me.NATIONALITYTextBox.Enabled = False
Me.BIRTHPLACETextBox.Enabled = False
Me.BIRTHDATEDateTimePicker.Enabled = False
Me.GUARDIANTextBox.Enabled = False
End Sub